About Building Control and contact details

Eden Building Control team

You can get in touch with the Eden Building Control Service using the below contact details:

General enquiries

Email: bc2@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
Westmorland and Furness Council
Voreda House
Portland Place
CA11 7QF

Contact details for the Eden team

Senior Building Control Surveyor: Darren Russell
Telephone: 01768 212340
Mobile: 07884 547 436

Building Control Officers:

Mike Craig
Telephone: 01768 212282
Mobile: 07884 547 441

Richard Harper
Telephone: 01768 212343

Joseph Livsey
Telephone: 01768 212363

Eden building control officer availability

Officers are available Monday to Friday, up to 10.30am. Between 10.30am and 12.30pm, limited cover is available. After 12.30pm, you will be forwarded to our Contact Centre.