Personal licenses and designated premises supervisor 

A personal licence allows a person to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol. 

Premises that sell or supply alcohol need a personal licence holder named on the premises licence as a designated premises supervisor (DPS). The only exception is for community premises if a successful application has been made to not apply the usual mandatory conditions.

A DPS is responsible for the day to day running of the premises, but does not have to be the person applying for the premises licence. The DPS does not have to be on the premises all the time but would be expected to spend a significant amount of time there. The DPS must be contactable at all times, particularly when problems arise on the premises. 

A personal licence holder must:

  • be 18 or over
  • have not forfeited a personal licence within five years before making an application
  • have no convictions for any relevant or foreign offence
  • have an accredited licensing qualification  

See Schedule 4 of the Licensing Act 2003 on for a list of relevant offences.
See accredited personal licence qualification providers on GOV.UK

You do not need to renew a personal licence, it will carry on unless the licence is suspended or revoked.