Thorncliffe Crematorium

Information about the cemetery including opening hours, parking facilities and layout.

About the cemetery

The crematorium was originally opened in 1962 in the grounds of Barrow Cemetery, on the site of the old Church of England and Non-Conformist chapels. Since opening there have been over 50,000 cremations averaging 950 a year.

In 2016 the building underwent a major refurbishment modernising the chapel and incorporating the cemetery office and their staff.

Opening hours

The Cemetery Office is located at the Crematorium to the left of the main chapel entrance. 

The opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 to 4.00.  

There are only two members of staff regularly in attendance who also carry out duties in the cemeteries. We advise that you contact the Cemetery office to make an appointment to see a member of staff.

Parking facilities

Car park spaces are available at the front and rear of the crematorium.  When these spaces are full cars can be parked down the main driveway.  

We ask visitors not to park or drive over grass edges or block any access roads.


Thorncliffe Crematorium
Devonshire Road
LA14 5PD
United Kingdom
