Report a problem or request a visit

How to report something to Trading Standards or ask a Trading Standards Officer to visit your business.

Report a problem to Trading Standards

You can report a business to Trading Standards if you think they’ve broken the law or acted unfairly. Visit the Citizens Advice website to check what you should report to Trading Standards. 

To report a problem contact Citizens Advice. They’ll advise you on your consumer rights and will refer complex or urgent issues and those needing further action to Trading Standards.

You can use the Citizens Advice online form to report a problem from 5pm on Fridays to 9am on Mondays. You can also contact the Citizens Advice consumer service

Request a visit from a Trading Standards Officer

If you own or manage a business or farm you can ask for an officer to visit you. They can give: 

  • advice on legislation affecting your business
  • training to you or your staff
  • advice on how to resolve customer complaints

To request a visit use the contact details below and provide a brief description of the nature of your business and the topics you’d like to cover. 


Contact Trading Standards



Westmorland and Furness Council Trading Standards
South Lakeland House
Lowther Street
United Kingdom