Comment on a premises licence or club premises certificate

How to make representations on an application for a new or updated licence or certificate, as well as how to ask for a licence review.

Make representations on an application

Interested parties, such as local residents, residents' associations and parish or town councils can comment on premises and club certificate applications. This is called making representations and you can make them in opposition to or in support of an application.

We must get your representation within 28 days of the date the notice of application is displayed. 

Representation criteria

The representation must relate to one or more of the four licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

If your representation does not relate to one or more of the licensing objectives it must be rejected. We will not consider: 

  • representations relating to competition from other businesses
  • anonymous representations as they cannot be verified
  • late representations  

If your representation is in relation to a licence variation, it should only be about the subject matter of the variation.

If you think your representation has been wrongly rejected you can complain using our complaints procedure

Representation process

To make representations, submit them in writing by the deadline stated for that application to the relevant address at the bottom of this page.

Find licensing applications against which you can make representations in the Barrow area
Find licensing applications against which you can make representations in the Eden area
Find licensing applications against which you can make representations in the South Lakeland area

If your representation is relevant or partly relevant, we'll send a copy to the applicant, along with any other representations we've received. It's important the applicant is given this opportunity to address the comments and concerns raised. 

The applicant may offer to change their application to try to satisfy any concerns and the area licensing team will facilitate this discussion. This could include altering times or adding or amending conditions.

Your representation and personal details may form part of the report and recorded decision, which are all public documents. If you do not want your personal details to be released, you’ll need to provide good reason for this information to be withheld.  

Representation outcomes

If after the 28-day consultation period an application has received no representations, it will be granted and the licence will be issued. 

If representations are received within the 28-day consultation period, the application will go to a hearing unless:

  • our licensing team, the applicant and those who've made representations agree that a hearing is not necessary
  • any representations have been withdrawn
  • the application is withdrawn

The hearing will be before a licensing sub-committee made up of three councillors selected from the full licensing committee.  All parties (the applicant, objectors or representatives of objectors, and any responsible authority) will get a notice of hearing. The notice will set out the date, time and location and explain the procedure to be followed at the hearing. A notice is usually sent out at least 10 days before the hearing.  

You may want to approach a representative to attend the hearing on your behalf. You should not delay in seeking a representative as any representations must be made within the 28-day consultation period. You could ask: 

  • a local councillor
  • a friend or neighbour
  • any other locally recognised body or association
  • a legal representative

If you want to be represented, you must notify your area’s licensing team at least 5 working days before the hearing using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

All parties or a representative will be able to address the sub-committee. If there are a number of objectors or supporters present, the sub-committee may request that a spokesperson is nominated or apply a time limit to any speakers.  

You'll have the opportunity at the hearing to set out your representation and to ask questions of the applicant or their representative. You can also be asked questions by the applicant or the members determining the application. You can amplify your representation, but you cannot raise any new issues at the hearing that you have not previously referred to in your written representation.

In making decisions, the sub-committee will take into account all of the written and verbal evidence. They also have a duty to take into account the four licensing objectives, our Statement of Licensing Policy (PDF, 477KB) and guidance issued by the Secretary of State. The Committee will normally announce their decision at the hearing and written confirmation will be sent to all parties. If anyone is unhappy about the decision, you can appeal to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of receipt of the decision.   


We’ll accept petitions and you can send them to the relevant team using the contact details at the bottom of this page. There are some important factors to consider before organising a petition:

  • the organiser of the petition must be a central point of contact so we can verify certain matters – if we’re unable to contact them it could invalidate the petition
  • each page of the petition should contain information as to the purpose of the petition so that all persons know what they’re signing
  • full names and addresses must be supplied
  • all signatories must be made aware that a copy of the petition will be supplied to the applicant and a copy will be contained within the committee papers, so their personal details will become public knowledge
  • we will not write to each signatory separately, but instead assume that the organiser will advise each signatory of the hearing date and the final outcome of the application
  • it’s expected that the organiser will represent the signatories at the hearing and to speak for them

When making a decision, we’ll give appropriate weight to a petition.

Ask for a licence review

A licence can be reviewed once it’s been granted if it’s alleged that the premises are not promoting the four licensing objectives. 

Applications for a review must be made to us using the contact details at the bottom of this page by either a responsible authority, such as the police or environmental health, or an interested party.

Once we’ve received an application for the review of a licence, we’ll organise a hearing where we’ll discuss the issues and decide if any action is needed. We can choose to: 

  • take no action
  • remove the Designated Premises Supervisor
  • remove a licensed activity from the licence
  • add or amend a condition on the licence
  • suspend the licence for no more than three months
  • revoke the licence

Contact our Licensing Team

Pease see below for the contact details in the different district areas.

Barrow area



Town Hall
Duke Street
Barrow in Furness
LA14 2LD
United Kingdom

Eden area



Voreda House
Portland Place
CA11 7BF
United Kingdom

South Lakeland area



South Lakeland House
Lowther Street
United Kingdom

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