Your property has an annex
You could be eligible for a 50% discount if your annex is:
- occupied by a relative of the person liable to pay the Council Tax for the main dwelling
- unoccupied, provided it is being used as part of the main residence of the person liable to pay Council Tax for the main dwelling
If you own an unoccupied and unfurnished property
Properties which become unoccupied and substantially unfurnished will receive a 100% discount for the first 6 months.
This is a property based discount and it starts from when the property first became unoccupied and unfurnished, regardless of any changes of ownership or tenants.
If your property is empty for more than one year, you may have to pay a premium on your Council Tax.
Job-related accommodation
If you live in a particular property because of your job, different rules may apply. If your main residence is somewhere else, the job related home may qualify for a 50% discount. If it is your main residence, your other home may qualify for the discount.