Adding video to the website

When and how to add video to the website.

When to use video

We don't recommend using videos on our site to explain concepts or processes.

We should be able to explain things clearly and concisely for customers using words. If it’s hard to explain clearly, it’s a sign that the concept or process itself needs simplifying.

Gov.UK research has found that videos about concepts or processes often:

  • duplicate written content, so they add to a user’s cognitive load
  • make it harder for users to scan for the information they need
  • do not work for less visual concepts - such as tax
  • are watched by a small proportion of users
  • often have calls-to-action that link users back to the page the video is on, creating a circular user journey

Videos also:

  • take longer to load than text on slow internet connections
  • use more data, which is especially an issue for users on mobile phones
  • are expensive and slow to produce
  • are less search-friendly than text
  • are harder to update, so they can become out-of-date and inaccurate quickly

See if you can address the problem or issue with words before you decide to use video. It’s easier and quicker for customers to find the information in text.

If you have a marketing or campaign video, publish it on social media channels then link customers to content and news stories on the website. Contact the Comms team to help you with this.

Check how the video component displays on our website.

Making a video accessible

Follow the Gov.UK advice on producing an accessible video.

How to produce and upload a video to the site

The Comms team can help you produce a video.

To upload a video to the site:

  • the video will need to be hosted on the Westmorland and Furness YouTube channel
  • you will need to provide us with the embed code that you can find in the 'share' link from the video, we can help you find it
  • make a web content request using our online content request form, we'll help you upload the video