Plain English

How to write content that is accessible and easy for anybody to use.

The main purpose of our website is to provide information - complicated writing can get in the way of people’s understanding.

Research shows that most people prefer simple language, even expert users with a high level of specialist knowledge.

Good online content is easy to read and understand.

It uses:

  • short sentences
  • sub-headed sections
  • simple vocabulary

This helps people find what they need quickly and absorb it effortlessly.

When writing:

  • organise your content under clear, meaningful, headings
  • avoid formal or long words when easy or short words will do
  • limit each paragraph to a few short sentences
  • stick to one idea or theme per paragraph
  • avoid complicated sentence structures
  • break up large blocks of text with subheadings
  • use bulleted lists for lists of three or more items
  • follow our guidance on abbreviations and acronyms
  • use an active voice

Users’ needs first

Identify your users and their needs so that your content meets those needs.

Think about what your users need to know to get their task done.

Don't tell them everything about your service or overwhelm them with information.

Important information first

Structure your content so that your key information and actions (like a report button) are at the top of the page.

Put the most important information at the start of a page, section, paragraph or sentence.

User research and analytics show that most people only read the first section of a website page and 'skim read' for the information they read.