Libraries and archives

Find and join a library, borrow and reserve books, research local studies and online resources in Westmorland and Furness libraries.

Find a library near you

Find opening times, facilities, events and activities across Westmorland and Furness libraries.

Library membership

How to join a library or reading group in Westmorland and Furness, set up an online membership, renew your membership, replace a lost card, reserve or renew a book and our borrowing limits

2025 Summer Reading Challenge: Story Garden

Our summer reading challenges encourage children aged four to eleven to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure. Find out how to take part in this year's challenge as a reader, or volunteer to help.

Local studies

We provide access to local research and studies online within Barrow, Kendal and Penrith libraries.

Library services for schools

Services aimed at supporting literacy and learning for early year settings, special, primary and secondary schools, as well as private settings and academies.

Archives centres

How to sign up for an Archive Card and book a visit to an Archive Centre in Westmorland and Furness.

Go Green collection

Borrow books about sustainable living, eco-friendly practices and environmental awareness.

Library newsletters

Sign up for the library newsletter, read the current edition and find previous editions.