Cumbria’s Safeguarding Adults Board have been raising awareness of safeguarding this week as part of a week of national action co-ordinated by The Ann Craft Trust.
Cumbria’s Safeguarding Adults Week ran from November 20 to 24 as part of a nationwide campaign to promote the importance of safeguarding as well as physical and mental wellbeing.
Safeguarding is the principle of living free from abuse and neglect, including self-neglect.
The week of action has seen Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board work collaboratively with organisations, charities, and other partners to promote the importance of safeguarding through social media, webinars, talks and training sessions for the public and relevant professionals.
Activity included advice on what to do if you're concerned about a vulnerable adult, identifying abuse, why safeguarding is important and what happens when you raise a safeguarding concern.
Independent Chair of the Adult Safeguarding Board, Rob McCulloch-Graham, said: "Safeguarding Adults Week is an essential time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.
“Safeguarding is about people and organisations working together. In Cumbria, we want to reduce the risks of abuse or neglect happening and make sure the person's views, wishes, feelings and beliefs are a key part of deciding on any action. It is important that a person's wellbeing is always promoted.
"We're offering vital advice on what to do if you're concerned about a vulnerable adult, identifying abuse, why safeguarding is important and how to encourage people to look out for each other.
“If you think you or someone you know is being abused or neglected it is important to tell someone you trust or report it online. This could be a friend, a teacher, a social worker, a doctor, a police officer, or someone else.”