Westmorland and Furness Council has launched a new Healthy Homes pilot scheme to improve privately rented homes in Eden.
The Healthy Homes project will focus on homes where there is a greater risk of excess cold problems, providing help and support to landlords, tenants, and property managers.
Earlier this year, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) awarded legacy Eden District Council £1.2 million to undertake a pilot study to improve privately rented homes within six ward areas:
- Crosby Ravensworth
- Ravenstonedale
- Orton with Tebay
- Skelton
- Ullswater
- Hartside
Help and advice is available to landlords, tenants and property managers for rental issues such as disrepair, rights and responsibilities, private landlord and tenant information, how to report an issue to the council, and grants available for property improvements.
The Healthy Homes Team will be reaching out to those eligible in the coming weeks but if you are a private landlord, tenant or property manager within these six wards and would like to find out more information, visit the Healthy Homes webpage or contact the Healthy Homes Team on healthyhomes@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk or 01768 212 428.
Councillor Judith Derbyshire, Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, said:
“Thanks to this Government funding, the Healthy Homes project is a real opportunity for us to engage with our stakeholders, provide them with support and advice and help improve how we deliver our private sector housing function.
“Our hope is that should this pilot be successful, we can implement our learnings and new ways of working across the whole of Westmorland and Furness.”