The deadline for expressions of interest in registering land for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), or to provide mitigation for the removal of phosphorus from a river catchment, has been extended to the end of November 2023.
All Local Planning Authorities across Cumbria are looking for sites within the county that could be used to create BNG habitats.
Examples of what Biodiversity Net Gain on a site could look like include:
- the creation of new woodland, wood pasture and hay meadows
- changes in management to improve species rich grasslands or hedgerows
We are particularly looking for sites that could provide multiple benefits such as those that provide flood risk reduction and/or recreational benefits while supporting farm diversification.
BNG sites must be retained in that use for a period of 30 years. Managing a site for BNG could become an additional income stream for landowners, with the change in land use and future maintenance funded by BNG unit sales, alongside other activity such as agriculture.
If you own, or have an interest in land, that could be used for BNG, or to provide mitigation that removes phosphorous from a river catchment, and would like to discuss this further, please submit an expression of interest (EOI).
Submitting an EOI only indicates your interest at this stage and does not commit you to take any further action or bind you into any legal agreement with the Authority or their partners.
Further information is available on the Submit a site for Biodiversity Net Gain or Habitat Site Restoration page of the Westmorland & Furness Council website.