Westmorland and Furness Council hosted a Landlord's Forum event at Penrith Town Hall on Thursday 6 July 2023.
The free event, held for local landlords, equipped attendees with the latest industry and regulatory knowledge to enable them to continue to prosper in the local housing sector.
The forum also provided landlords with valuable insights regarding tenancy management, eligibility for home upgrade grants, government updates relevant to the private rental sector, and strategies for effectively supporting vulnerable residents.
Landlords heard updates from a panel consisting of experts from the Council’s Green Homes Grant and Housing teams, as well as Cumbria Fire and Rescue, and the Department of Work and Pensions.
Between them, the panel tackled a range of key topics including, home safety, benefits and direct payments, and how to access grants for home upgrades.
Private landlords were encouraged to share their experiences and challenges, and to put forward their suggestions for how local government can better support them. They also heard about Property Links, a unique free service that supports landlords and tenants at risk of homelessness through matchmaking.
Councillor Judith Derbyshire, Westmorland and Furness Council's Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, said:
“I was encouraged to see so many local landlords attending the forum and participating constructively in conversations about how we can best support each other.
"We know that private landlords play a fundamental role in the local housing sector, not just as property providers, but as pivotal contributors to our communities. The Council is keen to continue collaborating with local landlords.
“We can offer them support in navigating the complex web of regulations and responsibilities that come with being a landlord, from understanding safety obligations to keeping pace with the latest developments and best practices in the sector.
“By registering with Property Links, Landlords can help us support those at risk of homelessness by providing secure and appropriate alternative accommodation options.”
For further information on the Council’s support and advice for landlords, visit: www.westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk/housing/private-landlords.