Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council are encouraging parents and carers of children starting primary or secondary school in September 2023, to apply online for home to school transport before the deadline on Wednesday 31 May.
The two councils provide free school transport to pupils who attend their catchment or nearest qualifying school and live more than two miles away (up to 8 years old) or three miles away (aged 8 years old and over).
Children from low-income families (those receiving free school meals and uniform vouchers, or those whose families qualify for Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit at the maximum level) may also qualify for transportation assistance.
If your child is already receiving transport or you have already applied for transport, you do not need to re-apply. However, if you are moving address or school you will need to make a new application.
To receive further information on eligibility or to obtain an online application form, please contact the School Transport team at the following:
Westmorland and Furness Council – School Transport
Email school.transport@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
Telephone 01228 226428
It is important that applications be submitted by 31 May 2023, to enable each council to assess whether a child is eligible for transport, inform parents, and plan routes for the start of September 2023. Applications received after this date may not be processed until after the start of term.