A series of road closures have been announced in Penrith Town Centre to allow for emergency road repairs to the A6 and Burrowgate junction.
On Sunday 16 April, roads will be closed through Middlegate, Devonshire Street and King Street on between the junction with the A592 Brunswick Road (Tourist Information) to the junction of the U3536 Old London Road. There will be no access onto the A6 Middlegate and King Street from the Burrowgate and Crown Square junctions.
On Monday 17 April, U3522 Burrowgate junction will be closed in the evening between 6pm – 10.30pm. The A6 through Middlegate will be open as usual on this date.
On Sunday 23 April, the road will be closed from the Musgrave Monument, Devonshire Street through King Street and Victoria Road to the U3540 Southend Road. There will be no access onto the A6 from Crown Square, Kilgour Street and the Carleton Road Junctions which will be closed to all traffic.
The works will allow for resurfacing (inclusive the pedestrian crossing points) drainage channel repairs, gully and drainage channel cleansing and renewal of road markings and lines.
A Westmorland and Furness Council spokesperson said: “The timing of these works after the Easter holidays will allow us to complete this much needed repair work before the May Bank Holidays and the onset of the main Tourist Season but keep disruption to the town centre traffic and business to a minimum by working outside of peak hours.
“A route through the works for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained and fully-signed diversions will be in place for each of the closures along with “open for business” signage.
“Carrying out the works on Sundays and a Monday evening will allow us to repair a short section of road at Burrowgate Junction to keep the road surface and pedestrian crossing points safe, while causing minimal disruption to businesses.”
If residents or businesses in the area have any questions, they are advised to contact the Westmorland and Furness Highways Hotline on 0300 373 3306.
For the latest updates on roadworks and road closures in Westmorland and Furness, please visit the One Network website.
More information about the Westmorland and Furness Highways service can be found on the Westmorland and Furness Council website.