Some of our services are still feeling the effects of the weekend's extreme weather, which hit some parts of Westmorland and Furness hard.
We cancelled waste, recycling and green rounds in the South Lakeland locality on Monday and some of our crews were able to support the multi-agency response. Our thanks to them and everybody else involved in all our partner organisations going above and beyond in very challenging circumstances.
Some rounds in the Barrow and Eden localities were also disrupted.
Despite the increased temperatures, road and pavement conditions remain challenging in some areas, which is affecting some rounds today and probably throughout the week. This, along with Monday's cancellations, means there will be a knock-on effect over the coming days as crews try to catch up on missed collections.
Our message to householders is please put your waste, recycling and green waste out on your scheduled day if it is safe to do so. If it is not collected on that day, leave it out and we will collect as soon as we possibly can. We have taken the decision to focus on waste and recycling but anybody with green waste should put it out on their scheduled day and we will collect it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued understanding and support.
Meanwhile, Ambleside, Barrow, Kendal and Ulverston Household Waste Recycling Centres are all open to the public today (6 December).