A community-led neighbourhood plan designed to help shape future development has been formally adopted by Westmorland and Furness Council.
The Allithwaite and Cartmel Neighbourhood Development Plan has been created for the two villages and surrounding countryside, setting out the type of development the community would like to see in future within the parish.
A local referendum on the plan was held in February to decide whether the local community were in favour of the plan being used to help decide planning applications in the area. The result was 259 in favour and 55 against. The turnout of electors was 20.63 per cent.
Westmorland and Furness Council has now "made" the plan in accordance with Section 38A (4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended).
Cabinet approved the formal adoption on 30 April, meaning it now has equivalent weight in decision making to the Local Plan as part of the Development Plan.
Click here for more information about the Allithwaite and Cartmel Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Drawn up by Allithwaite and Cartmel Parish Council following consultation with local residents and businesses, the policies in the plan include:
- Ensuring high-quality design in new development;
- Conserving and enhancing the landscape character of the parish, including protection of significant views, and the Cartmel Conservation Area;
- Protecting local green space through the designation of eight local green spaces;
- Protecting and enhancing green infrastructure and biodiversity;
- Protecting dark skies to minimise light pollution; and
- Restricting new dwellings within and immediately adjoining
Cartmel village for principal residence occupation only.
Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. A neighbourhood plan ultimately forms part of the Development Plan – policies which local authorities use to determine planning applications.
This means it will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land and buildings covered by the plan.
Councillor Virginia Taylor, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Communities and Localities, said: "I am delighted that the Allithwaite and Cartmel Neighbourhood Development Plan has now been approved and will now play an important role in the planning process in this area. This is the parish council's plan and it shows the strength of listening to and working with communities to ensure they are protected and are able to thrive.
"The measures in the plan are all the result of the imagination, vision and ambition of the community and it is immensely gratifying to see it come to fruition."
Mike Lamb, chairman of Allithwaite and Cartmel Parish Council, said: "The Neighbourhood Development Plan and its vision will help ensure Allithwaite and Cartmel remains a healthy, vibrant community for years to come. It is now an official Planning Document following residents' seal of approval.
"The plan was prepared by Allithwaite and Cartmel Parish Council supported by independent Planning Consultants with significant local input. It includes policies to influence the type and quality of development that may come forward. Councillors and volunteers worked very hard to produce a document that reflected our Parish’s unique situation and character and which was recognised in the supportive vote at referendum.
"The Neighbourhood Plan now gives the community a voice to help influence developments in our area. It is heartening that so many took an interest at each stage of its evolution, and we hope that other Councils which are developing their plans will soon achieve the same outcome."
Hard copies of the decision statement and the final Neighbourhood Development Plan, supporting Design Code and Examiner’s Final Report can be viewed at the following locations, as well as on the website:
- Kendal Town Hall, Lowther Street, Kendal, LA9 4DQ
- Kendal Library, Stricklandgate, Kendal, LA9 4PY
- Grange-over-Sands Library, Grange Fell Road, Grange-over-Sands, LA11 6BQ
- Cartmel Village Hall, The Square, Cartmel, LA11 6QB
- Allithwaite Community Centre, Quarry Lane, Allithwaite, LA11 7QJ
- Cartmel Priory, Cartmel, LA11 6DQ
- St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Allithwaite, LA11 7QR.