Residents in Westmorland and Furness looking for somewhere to warm up and have a hot drink and a chat will be able to choose from nearly 100 local “warm spots” this winter.
There’s been an incredible response from organisations across the area to open their venues to those in need as part of the Warm Spots initiative.
The initiative encourages and supports local organisations to open their doors to people in need of warmth and help, as the cost-of-living crisis and high fuel costs continue to put many people under real strain.
There are now Warm Spot venues all the way from Barrow to Alston operating from village halls, community centres, churches, libraries, pubs, and sports centres, some open every day and some just a few hours a week. Everyone is welcome and you will not need to give any explanation of why you are there.
People can find the nearest warm spot to them by visiting westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk/warmspots. The site provides an easy way to find out which Warm Spots are open and what they offer.
As a minimum, a Warm Spot will offer a warm space, a warm welcome, someone on hand to talk to if you wish, and, in most cases, a hot drink (free or at cost). But many are offering a much wider range of facilities, activities, and support.
Cllr Virginia Taylor, Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member for Sustainable Communities and Localities, said:
“It’s fantastic to see so many organisations stepping up to run a Warm Spot and I’m delighted we’re able to contribute by making sure the public knows about the support on offer.
“Winter is always a difficult period, but it’s particularly hard now as prices rise, and wages struggle to keep up. There are more and more people who find keeping their heating all day is unaffordable. Why not go and work in one of our Warm Spot libraries, or visit a local Warm Spot with your baby and toddler? People who have time could go for a cup of tea and enjoy some company and a chat – and maybe lend a hand, being a volunteer gives you back as much as you get!
“I’d encourage people to take a look at the website and drop by their nearest Warm Spot to see what’s on offer.”
If any other organisations would like to set up a Warm Spot, please visit the Westmorland and Furness Council website for more information.