Further footway investigation work will take place next week as the council looks for solutions to a damaged and uneven footway on Infield Park, Barrow.
Some initial work was carried out last week (November 27-29) to carefully excavate various sections of the footway to measure the exact depth of tree roots below the surface, to help inform future engineering decisions.
Some additional excavations will now be undertaken starting on Monday, 9 December, to assess the depth of other tree roots on the street.
The work next week is expected to be completed within four days and there will be a road closure set up throughout the duration of the works, along with a footway closure between house numbers 8 and 12 and 9 and 17. Once the excavation work has been completed the footway surface will then be reinstated back to how it was.
Access for both residents and emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout with no disruption to waste and recycling collections.
The investigation work next week will not impact any of the trees and no trees will be removed during the works.
The findings from the investigations from last week and next week will inform a consultation, planned to launch in January 2025, where residents will be able to provide feedback on options that aim to provide a long-lasting solution to the footway issues on Infield Park.
The council is keen to understand whether resurfacing of the current area, without the need for tree removal, is a possible safe and suitable long-term solution and will be seeking an outcome that balances any impact on the streetscape with ensuring a safe and accessible highway for all, in line with the authority’s statutory duty under the Highways Act 1980.
A letter informing residents about the latest works is being delivered to impacted properties, with a request that any vehicles parked along and opposite the section of the street where the work will take place please be moved before 7.30am on 9 December.