At a meeting of Westmorland and Furness Council Full Council yesterday (23 January), members voted unanimously to keep providing its Council Tax Reduction Scheme for those in need.
Members at Westmorland and Furness Council stressed at the meeting that they are acutely aware that many people and households are struggling at this moment in time. The cost of living is still very real and affecting many individuals and families.
That is why Westmorland and Furness Council continues to be one of only a small number of councils that still offer a fully funded Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age claimants.
Commenting on the decision, Cllr Andrew Jarvis, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “I am extremely pleased that despite funding pressures we have been able to protect and keep our Council Tax Reduction Scheme. As a council we should be very proud that we are able to continue to support what is one of the most generous schemes in the country. We are committed to support all our residents and especially all those in need and facing financial hardship. I want to take this opportunity to urge anyone who thinks they are eligible to get in touch and find out what support is available to them.”
The scheme provides support to residents of working age who have a low income, to assist them in paying council tax. The scheme provides up to 100% support to working age applicants, depending on their level of income and make up of their household.
The council also has an existing policy that supports care leavers up to the age of 25 by granting up to 100% discount on their council tax. This provides practical help and financial assistance to care leavers whilst they are developing independent lives and their life skills.
Council also agreed to continue to apply the 100% voluntary disregard under the scheme of War Disablement Pensions, War Widows Pensions and War Widowers’ Pensions under Section 134 (8) and 139 (6) of the Social Security Administration Act; in the determination of both Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. The council also includes Armed Forces Compensation as a voluntary disregard. This is referred to as the Local Scheme.
Finally, the council administers the Discretionary Housing Fund from funding awarded annually from the DWP to support housing costs for those experiencing financial hardship and contributes to the prevention of homelessness.
If you need help or know someone who needs assistance with their council tax, you can find all the information you need at