Westmorland and Furness Council continues to work closely with emergency services and partner agencies to deliver ongoing support to the community.
The council is working towards being able to open Market Street in Kirkby Lonsdale to vehicles again soon.
Over 100 residential properties and 84 business properties in the town centre were directly impacted by a devastating fire in the early hours of Sunday December 8, with one fatality and one person injured.
In the immediate aftermath, the council addressed the immediate dangers posed by the damaged structures. Urgent measures, including a combination of demolition and structural scaffolding, were implemented to ensure public safety, particularly concerning the compromised front of the Old Market Hall. These critical stabilisation efforts were completed in two weeks, allowing residents to return to their homes and businesses to begin reopening.
The temporary measures required to secure the area have resulted in Market Street being too narrow to safely accommodate both pedestrians and vehicles. As a precaution, the road has been temporarily closed.
The council is now collaborating with structural engineers and representatives from the Old Market Hall to redesign key elements of the scaffolding with the aim of achieving the necessary road width while maintaining public safety.
A site meeting was recently held, and the project is now in the design phase. Once the complexity of the required solution is fully understood, the council will provide an accurate timeline for the implementation of the works and the reopening of Market Street.
Angela Jones, Director of Thriving Places at Westmorland and Furness Council, said: "Our efforts continue to support the community of Kirkby Lonsdale recover from the devastating events in early December. We know the challenges the continued road closure poses and are prioritising efforts to reopen the road as soon as possible.
"We will continue to keep residents and businesses informed of progress on this issue and all the other work we are undertaking with the Kirkby Lonsdale Community Recovery Partnership and other partners.”
Council officers are currently working with the Community Recovery Partnership to develop a town recovery strategy, which will focus on economic, community and humanitarian/welfare matters.
The strategies are being informed by information gathered at the regular public meetings and the meeting for businesses arranged by Lizzi Collinge MP in Kirkby Lonsdale Rugby Club on 17 January.
The three key aims of Kirkby Lonsdale recovery are:
- To support the community to rebuild their lives and find their own personal paths to recovery. This includes supporting residents and businesses to access financial support, to move and settle into new homes and business premises and to provide ongoing emotional and wellbeing support.
To facilitate community and business led recovery, creating a partnership between the Council, residents, businesses, the voluntary and community sector, local elected members, the local MP and key stakeholders.
To work with the community and businesses to co-develop recovery plans for the two core elements of recovery – community and economy. The plans will identify the opportunities and actions for longer term regeneration, economic development, and community resilience.
The Community Information Hub in St Mary’s Church has been stood down. However, a message and call back service continues to be operated by the Community Cupboard at this time, please call 015242 36404 and leave a message.
The Community Cupboard remains open for support and offers of donations. Food bags can be collected anonymously from St Marys Church or call the Community Cupboard on 015242 36404.
Kirkby Lonsdale Fire Disaster Recovery Appeal
The Kirkby Lonsdale Fire Disaster Recovery Appeal, launched by Cumbria Community Foundation at the request of the Kirkby Lonsdale Community Recovery Partnership to help support the immediate and long-term recovery of people affected by the fire, remains open.
The appeal launched with a donation of £50,000 from Westmorland and Furness Council and is focussed on individual hardship caused by the fire and will broadly support the following:
- People who have lost their homes and possessions to the fire and have been displaced, and
People who are suffering hardship due to business closure linked to the fire and the loss of income to their households.
If funds allow, community recovery activities will also be supported where groups have played a vital role in the immediate response and recovery phases.
Click here to donate to the Kirkby Lonsdale Fire Disaster Recovery Appeal.
Click here to find out more about the Kirkby Lonsdale Fire Disaster Recovery Appeal.
More than 70 initial grants for immediate aid to people in urgent need have been made, most of these before Christmas. A second round of grants will be made shortly.
The Go Fund Me page set up by Lunesdale Hall (Institute) charitable trust working with Kirkby Lonsdale Community Recovery Partnership and Cumbria Community Foundation has closed. Discussions are taking place around the governance of grants from this fund and the disaster recovery appeal. Further information will be available on the Kirkby Lonsdale website soon.
Illuminate Festival
Visitors to Kirkby Lonsdale this February can expect to enjoy a packed schedule of events and entertainment, as the town’s first ‘Festival of Ideas’ gets under way.
Scheduled to run from 8-23 February, the festival – Illuminate – features live performances, film screenings and speaker events, as well as creative and wellbeing workshops and family fun aplenty.
There are free activities for children every day during half-term week.
The festival is the brainchild of the team behind ‘St Mary’s Events’ – an exciting new initiative launched in 2024 by St Mary’s Church and designed to bring a varied programme of live drama, music and comedy events to the town, as well as to inspire and support local groups to engage, create and volunteer. It is designed to bring people together, sparking fresh conversations about what it means to be human in a world increasingly dominated by technology and how we can reframe our relationship with the spaces and places around us amid ecological and geopolitical change.
Highlights include an atmospheric one-man production of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, live music from acclaimed Irish singer-songwriter Ben Reel and must-see magic courtesy of The Great Baldini.
A specially curated programme of six films exploring the theme ‘Made in Britain’ will also be staged at the town’s Lunesdale Hall, including Wicked Little Letters, Polite Society and The Old Oak.
Illuminate has also attracted world-class speakers including geneticist and TV host Dr Adam Rutherford, celebrated authors William Fiennes and Anthony McGowan, and MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale Lizzi Collinge.
It is hoped that the festival will encourage visitors to return to experience for themselves Kirkby’s unique charm and indomitable community spirit.
Click here to find out more about Illuminate and book tickets.
- Market Street has now re-opened to pedestrians but due to the scaffolding encroaching the highway, the road is not suitable for vehicles and remains closed to all vehicles, including for access.
- Mitchelgate is open – but only open ONE WAY – so please drive with care and follow the diversions and signs. There are continuing issues with vehicles travelling the wrong way up Mitchelgate and vehicles travelling the wrong way down Main Street then vehicles meeting head on. Police have received multiple reports of drivers deliberately driving against the one-way system, with a particularly concerning incident which involved a vehicle travelling the wrong way and mounting the pavement directly in front of a family using the pavement. Cumbria Constabulary encourages people who have witnessed or captured images of dangerous or careless driving to submit dashcam and other footage through the national Operation Snap campaign. Click here for more details about Operation Snap.
- Cumbria Constabulary also encourages residents and businesses to join Connect Cumbria, a scheme which enables officers to access a map detailing pre-registered CCTV or doorbell cameras in a location of a crime.When a crime takes place, officers can see immediately which businesses and residential properties close to the scene have CCTV or doorbell cameras and therefore may have vital evidence. Click here to find out more about Connect Cumbria and register your camera.
- Mill Brow is now open to light goods vehicles and pedestrians. A one-way traffic and weight restrictions to 3.5 tonnes is in place from the end of Ruskin Drive through Horse Market and up to the top of Mill Brow to enable a circulation of local traffic to take place as safely as possible. Exemptions to the restrictions for emergency service vehicles will be included to ensure they have access to properties and they are able to pass the Spar and line up in the wider turning head to get down Mill Brow. Parking bays on Main Street are suspended and coned off to deter vehicles from circling repeatedly to try and access one of a few usually available limited waiting parking spaces.
Highways matters including potholes repairs, or temporary signage that may have been hit, moved or blown over can be reported by calling the Highways Hotline (0300 373 3306 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm. Or click here to report highways issues online.
Booths has agreed to extend the temporary unrestricted parking in Wellington Court, adjacent to the A65 and before the Lunesdale Surgery (with the exception of the specified staff parking bays) until the end of February. This does not apply to the Booths main store car park, which remains one hour free with an option to purchase a second hour as normal. Please note that the Lunesdale Surgery parking is for patients of the doctor’s surgery only. Our thanks go to Booths for their ongoing support to the community and the economic recovery of the town.
Community safety
The fire caused significant internal and external damage to buildings near Taylor's, Save the Children, and Botanica, with unstable walls, unsupported structures, and roof elements posing immediate risks. Contractors were mobilised on the evening of 9 December to address these issues. While progress has been delayed due to the need to safely disconnect a gas main, further works are expected to resume later today.
Where possible, the council is working to preserve the historic frontage of the Old Market Hall, despite the challenges presented by the extensive damage.
Impact on residents and businesses
The council is reviewing safety cordons to restore access where it is safe to do so. However, properties directly impacted by the fire will remain inaccessible until stabilisation work is completed.
For residents and businesses in the immediate vicinity of the damaged building, there is likely to be a longer delay before access can be arranged due to the need for supporting scaffolding at the front of the Old Market Hall to stabilise the structure.
Following the completion of the main sections of hoarding and scaffolding along Main Street and Market Street, pedestrian access is now permitted on Market Street between the Sun Inn and St Mary’s Yard. Vehicular access is still currently restricted on Market Street and will remain under review. Some further works are planned and will be updated on as they progress in the new year.
Main Street is now back open with access from Mill Brow. We have had some reports of vehicles driving the wrong way down Main Street – please do not to drive the wrong way down Main Street or reverse down Main Street. Market Street remains closed in part to vehicles and pedestrians, however the majority of town businesses are open and trading.
Mill Brow is now open to light goods vehicles and pedestrians. A one-way traffic and weight restrictions to 3.5 tonnes is in place from the end of Ruskin Drive through Horse Market and up to the top of Mill Brow to enable a circulation of local traffic to take place as safely as possible. Exemptions to the restrictions for emergency service vehicles will be included to ensure they have access to properties and they are able to pass the Spar and line up in the wider turning head to get down Mill Brow. Full signage has been installed to accompany the reopening. Parking bays on Main Street will be suspended and coned off to deter vehicles from circling repeatedly to try and access one of a few usually available limited waiting parking spaces.
Essential services, such as waste collections, will proceed as planned where traffic diversions allow.
Bus services are running as normal.
Westmorland and Furness Council remains committed to delivering a caring, collaborative, and outcome-focused response, ensuring the safety and well-being of all those affected while preserving the heritage of this much-loved town.
For more detailed information, please see the Kirkby Lonsdale - Q&A fact sheet.
Community Support
Community Support Hub – Christmas Opening
The community support hub will continue to operate from St Mary’s Church.
It will be open from 10am to 3pm on Monday 23 December, Friday 27 December and Friday 3 January.
British Red Cross support
There is lots of useful advice on what to do after a house fire on the British Red Cross website. This includes helpful information on how to get important documents replaced.
Click here for advice on what to do after a house fire.
You can also ring their support line – their team can help you to work through the steps you can take to start your recovery and offer emotional support. The team is unable to offer financial assistance.
Call the British Red Cross support line on 0808 196 3651.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 12 midday.
Citizens Advice
South Lakes Citizens Advice provide free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on a wide range of areas including debt, benefits, employment, housing, relationships, consumer issues and any other problems.
You can contact them in the following ways:
- Adviceline: 0808 2787 984
- General Enquiries: 015394 46464
- Click here to go to the South Lakes Citizens Advice website and complete the contact submission form.
- Click here to email South Lakes Citizens Advice.
Financial Support for individuals
Cumbria Community Foundation have established an Appeal Fund, and are closely working with others to ensure a joined up approach.
Click here to find out more about the appeal fund.
Who can apply?
• individuals or families whose homes and possessions have been damaged by the fire.
• individuals or families who are suffering hardship due to business closure linked to the fire and the loss of income to their household.
Full details about eligibility are on the website.
If you haven’t already registered for support, please contact the Community Hub on 015242 36404
Specialist support organisations
We know that it can be harder to recover from this kind of event when you have additional responsibilities, such as being an unpaid carer.
There are lots of specialist organisations that can offer support, and a few organisations are listed below.
If none of these organisations seem appropriate to your needs, or you need help in contacting them, please ask at the Community Support Hub for help to find other support organisations.
Carer Support South Lakeland
If you provide (unpaid) help and support to a friend or family member, perhaps because of illness, disability or mental health issues, you are probably a carer.
Carer Support South Lakeland support all unpaid carers from age 5 upwards; they can help you to find appropriate support. They are based in Kendal, and have an outreach worker who’s often in Kirkby Lonsdale.
Telephone 015396 815970 email admin@carersupportsouthlakes.org.uk
Click here to find out more about Carer Support South Lakeland.
Age UK South Lakeland
Age UK provide a wide range of support to older people (aged 50 and over).
Their helpline number is 030 300 30003 and there’s more information on their website.
Click here to find out more about Age UK South Lakeland.
Mental Health Support
It’s completely normal to find an event like the recent fire distressing, even if your mental health is normally good. But if you find yourself struggling over the coming weeks, there’s plenty of help available.
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust provides 24-hour access to mental health care, advice, support and treatment. By calling 0800 953 0100, you can speak to a member of the team where you can discuss your current mental health needs. You don’t have to have used their services before or to have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.
Mindline Cumbria
Mindline Cumbria offer support by phone, text, email or webchat
They’re open 12 noon to 11pm Monday to Friday, and 5pm to 11pm Saturday and Sunday.
Call 0300 561 0000, text “Mind” to 81006, or click here to find out more about Mindline Cumbria.
Kooth provides free, safe and anonymous online mental health support for young people. Click here to find out more about Kooth.
Shout provides 24/7 mental health support by text – just text “Shout” to 85258.
Click here to investigate the wide range of resources on the Shout website.
Click here to access other mental health resources on the Every Life Matters website.
Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership
Support, advice and guidance tailored to social enterprises is available from the Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership.
Click here to find out more about Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership
For further enquiries please contact Becx Carter at CSEP on 07786 678283 or click here to email becx.carter@secumbria.org.uk.
Business support
Business rates
Some businesses may already be in receipt of Small Business Rates Relief or have other rates reliefs for their premises. If you are unsure about eligibility for rates relief, please contact us at counciltax3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk or call 0300 373 3300.
The council has suspended issuing business rates recovery or reminder documents for affected premises for the remainder of 2024. Any business can cancel their direct debit mandate if they do not want payments to be collected this month. Business rates exemptions can be awarded for periods when occupation of the premises has been prohibited, and trading is not possible.
Ratepayers can ask for a temporary reduction in Rateable Value where there is “local disruption” by contacting the Valuation Office.
Click here to find out more about asking for a temporary reduction in Rateable Value.
The council can also award longer-term business rates relief on the grounds of hardship.
Cumbria Accelerator in Westmorland and Furness
Enterprising Cumbria can provide free 1-2-1 adviser support from specialist partners. Support can be tailored to your business needs during this recovery period.
Click here to find out more about Cumbria Accelerator or contact Programme Manager Leslie Rickerby at leslie.rickerby@enterprisingcumbria.org.uk.
Cumbria Business Growth Hub
For support with business continuity or disruption call 0844 257 8450 or email info@cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk.
Kirkby Lonsdale Chamber of Trade
For logistical, emotional and local support contact Robin Sadler on 07831 260119.
Westmorland and Furness Council – Economic Development and Regeneration
Council officers will be working with the Community Recovery Partnership in the new year to develop a town recovery strategy, which will focus on economic, community and humanitarian/welfare.
Email econ.dev3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk.
Click here to find out more about Invest in Westmorland and Furness.
Cumbria Tourism
Cumbria Tourism promotes the area regionally, nationally and internationally.
Contact info@cumbriatourism.org or call 01539 822222.
My Cumbria Card – businesses can add an offer for free at any time and Cumbria Tourism promote this free of charge to all members, via social media, events and so on. Click here to find out more about the My Cumbria Card.