- School: Kirkbie Kendal School
- Job Reference: 1242
- Job type: School Maintenance
- Contract: Permanent
- Work pattern: Part-time
- Salary: Salary : NJC 2 £22366 Full year Actual £7556.Term Time only Actual £6550
- Date posted: Friday 3 November 2023
- Closing date for applications: This is a rolling advertisement
- Employer: ACADEMY
12.5 hours (3.30pm-6.00pm)
Permanent (Term time only or full year)
We are seeking energetic friendly member of staff to join the site and facilities team at Kirkbie Kendal School
The successful candidate will be a hardworking adaptable and organised team player. They will gain job satisfaction from making a valuable contribution to our excellent welcoming school community.
Visit www.kirkbiekendal.cumbria.sch.uk for details of how to apply or contact:
Mrs B Price Headteacher’s PA
Kirkbie Kendal School Lound Road Kendal Cumbria LA9 7EQ Tel: 01539 727422 (recruitment@kksa.co.uk)
This vacancy is operating on a rolling recruitment basis.
Please submit your application form as soon as possible.
Interview date TBC
Kirkbie Kendal School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the students in its care.
This post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure Check.
Contact Kirkbie Kendal School
Kirkbie Kendal School
Lound Road