Apply for a premises licence or club premises certificate
To apply for a premises licence fill in the premises licence application form (GOV.UK). To apply for a club premises certificate, fill in the club premises certificate application form (GOV.UK).
If your premises is in the process of being constructed, you can apply for a provisional statement – fill in the statement application form (GOV.UK). This does not convert into a premises licence on completion of the construction, but representations are restricted after the grant of the provisional statement as long as:
- the premises licence is in the same form as described in the provisional statement
- there has been no material change in circumstances either to the premises or the area it's in
- the schedule of works has been completed satisfactorily
As well as the relevant application form, you’ll need to send a detailed plan of the premises or club and an operating schedule, for example the hours when you’ll sell alcohol. Clubs also need to send a copy of your club rules.
To make significant changes to your premises licence, you must complete a full variation application form (GOV.UK). For changes to a club premises certificate, fill in a club premises certificate full variation application form (GOV.UK).
Changes could include:
- varying the hours that licensable activity takes place
- adding licensable activities
- amending, adding or removing conditions within a licence
- altering any aspect of the layout of the premises which is shown on the plan
For smaller changes you can fill in a minor variation application form (GOV.UK). It’s a simplified process for:
- small changes to premises layouts or structures
- small changes to licensing hours
- the addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment
- removal of out of date, irrelevant or unenforcable conditions
To transfer a premises licence, fill in a transfer application form (GOV.UK). Send it with a completed consent to transfer the premises licence form (GOV.UK).
You may also need to change the premises' designated supervisor: the two relevant forms can also be found on GOV.UK.
Plan of your premises or club
The plan should be drawn in standard scale of 1 millimetre x 100 millimetres, unless we’ve previously agreed an alternative scale in writing. The plan should show:
- the boundary of the building (if relevant), any external and internal walls of the building and, if different, the perimeter of the premises
- points to enter and exit the premises, and if different the location of escape routes
- the area used for each activity, if the premises is used for more than one existing licensable activity
- fixed structures (including furniture) or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location (but not furniture) which may impact on the ability to use exits or escape routes
- the location and height of any stage relative to the floor
- any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
- any room or rooms containing public conveniences
- the location and type of any fire safety and any other safety equipment
- the location of any kitchen
Operating schedule
Your operating schedule should include:
- the licensable activities
- the proposed hours the licensable activities will take place
- any other times the premises is open to the public
- the name and address of the designated premises supervisor if the licensable activities include the supply of alcohol
- if alcohol is to be supplied, whether it will be drunk on and/or off the premises
- if the licence is for a limited period, the period needed
Sending your application to responsible authorities
When you send us an application for a new or variation to a premises licence or club premises certificate you should also send a copy to the relevant responsible authorities.
See the list of responsible authorities and their contact details
If your application is sent via email, we will forward a copy of the application to the responsible authorities ourselves.
Displaying your application summary
Starting the day after you send your application, you’ll need to display a notice with a summary of your application at your premises for at least 28 days. This must include:
- the name of the applicant
- the premises address
- proposed licensable activities
- proposed opening hours
You can use the below templates for your notice. You also must put a notice in the local newspaper.
Notice of an application for a grant to a premises licence or club premises certificate (DOC , 34KB)
Interested parties can give feedback on your application, called making representations. See commenting on an application to find out more about how this works and the potential impact on your application.