Food hygiene ratings and appeals

How the hygiene rating scheme works and how to appeal a rating.

We work in partnership with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to give food hygiene ratings that reflect the hygiene standards where food is prepared or cooked.

Following an inspection of your food premises we’ll write to you to give you a food hygiene rating between zero to five based on our findings. You’ll automatically be given a new food hygiene rating each time we inspect your premises.

Find out more about the food hygiene rating scheme on the FSA website

Check a business’s food hygiene rating on the FSA website

Find out more about food hygiene inspections

Food hygiene rating appeals and right to reply

If you think your rating does not reflect the hygiene standards at the time of the inspection you can make an appeal. You can also tell customers (via the FSA website) how your business has improved its hygiene standards or if there were unusual circumstances at the time of inspection.

Find out how to appeal a rating or publish a right to reply on the FSA website

Request a food hygiene rating inspection

If you’ve made improvements after your food hygiene rating, you can request a visit to be reassessed. It costs £172 to reinspect your premises.  

Request a re-rating using our online form

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