Rights of way map
You can view a map of public rights of way in Cumbria we’ve built on OpenStreetMap - this is only an illustration and not the definitive map.
Definitive map and statement
The definitive map and statement are paper documents detailing the status and legal alignment of public rights of way in Westmorland and Furness. You can make an appointment to view the map at The Parkhouse Building in Carlisle.
If you need to identify the alignment of a public right of way for legal purposes it is recommended that you contact us about carrying out a highways search.
Modifications to the definitive map and statement
Any requested amendments to the definitive map and statement either to change the particulars of a route shown, or to add or delete a path from the map, can only be achieved by a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO).
Guidance and the application form for this process can be obtained by emailing countryside.access@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk.
You can view a register of all outstanding DMMO applications currently being dealt with by Westmorland and Furness council or the Lake District National Park Authority.
Changes to the network: Diversion, extinguishment and creation
Westmorland and Furness Council has powers to process applications for Public Path Orders under the Highways Act 1980 and orders to allow development under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The County Council will use its discretion to assess the merits of each application, considering both the needs of users of the public path network and the landowner and/or interested parties.
All new applications will be dealt with in order of the date received, unless there are exceptional circumstances. An indication of timescale can be given during initial discussions, which will usually involve a site visit.
For further information please email countryside.access@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk.
Public path orders
Public path orders currently out for consultation or on deposit for public inspection.
• None currently listed
Definitive map orders
Definitive Map Modification Orders currently out for consultation or on deposit for public inspection.
• None currently listed