Motor vehicle access

Check whether your vehicle is allowed on particular routes.

The management of vehicles use in the countryside has been developed by the council over a number of years in co-operation with the Lake District National Park and with the user groups.

The guide that has been produced identifies over 200 unsealed highways that can be used by motor vehicles in Cumbria and the Lake District. The guidance relies largely on voluntary restraint and will hopefully negate any future need for traffic regulation orders to exclude vehicles. The Yorkshire Dales have their own guidance available on their web site.

Each route is surveyed and inspected by volunteers from the Cumbria Trail Riders Fellowship and the Green Lanes Association to ensure the information is up to date and that the use of vehicles is not detrimental to the surface condition or to the local community. To help us achieve this each route has a graded survey sheet that makes recommendation regarding their use and a map where all routes are identified.


  • Red: The route has a lot of use and may also have environmental issues or potential conflict with other users / landowners. Proceed with great care.
  • Amber: Route has moderate use and there may be a lot of other users, land management issues or may not be passable in all weather. Please keep to the track and proceed with care.
  • Green: Proceed with care while the route should be passable at all times.

Cumbria's landscape is fragile so always keep to the track and to minimise your impact on your surroundings it is recommended that your group sizes are kept small.