Grounds maintenance

How we look after the land we own and how to report issues in your local area.


Communal areas on estates are provided for the benefit of everyone. Please take care of them and report any damage to us on 01229 876578. The following maintenance of communal areas is carried out:

  • grass cutting once from 1 March to 31 October (weather permitting)
  • shrub bed maintenance 10 times a year
  • hedges once a year

Please contact the Barrow parks department on 01229 876330 should you need to make a complaint.

You can also help by:

  • removing litter from areas near your home
  • not allowing your pet to foul the areas
  • not allowing your children to play on areas where they may cause damage or nuisance to other tenants


Our grounds maintenance contractor's gardening staff undertake routine cutting of grass in areas adjoining housing estates. They also maintain open spaces, garden areas in parks, including the maintenance of shrubs, roses and flower beds.

Grass areas which are our responsibility are cut following a rota. However, continued bad weather can delay cutting and extended dry weather may make cutting unnecessary.

Submit a grass cutting maintenance report if you have concerns about the grass length of an area of grassland under our control.

Submit a grounds maintenance request if you are unhappy with the grounds maintenance of an area.

For all other queries contact the Eden contracts team:

Telephone: 0300 373 3300

South Lakeland

We manage all sites that we own or lease, employing contractors to carry out all grounds maintenance work. This includes grass cutting, shrub and hedge maintenance, planting flowerbeds, litter picking and emptying rubbish bins.

You can request grounds maintenance work on South Lakeland land using our online form.

Hedge cutting on our land depends on the species or specific requirements. Our contractors, Continental Landscapes Ltd, do not usually cut hedges during the bird nesting season from February to August.

The frequency may change where hedges encroach footpaths or block access points or highways. They are then cut as required.

Highway verges

Our contractors cut many of the grass and hedge verges on highways in towns. We arrange all cutting in rural areas and on most main roads. Highways England cut the grass verges on the A590 and M6. Some verges in villages are maintained by Parish Councils.

Cutting is carried out for safety not appearance and some areas are left uncut or only cut once a year to encourage wild flowers.

If a privately owned hedge, tree, grass area or shrub bed is affecting footpaths or the highway please report this to our highways team.

Residential estates

Our contractors mow verges and hedges on some estates to ensure people can use roads and pavements safely. South Lakes Housing and other housing associations are responsible for grounds maintenance on many of the other residential estates. Housing developers may also retain responsibility for the maintenance of the areas around new housing builds.
Cutting usually takes place routinely between 1 April and 31 October. However, the actual frequencies may vary according to weather, location of the verge etc.