Lake wardens
Our Llke wardens look after Windermere, they operate a patrol and rescue service and are fully trained in first aid.
They also provide RYA powerboat training for other agencies such as:
- Cumbria Fire and Rescue
- Cumbria Constabulary
- National Trust
They work with schools to provide water safety days and visits to the lake. They also help with events.
They are responsible for the administration of moorings and encroachments on the lake.
This includes nearly 800 swinging moorings in 28 areas of the lake available for boats up to 14m. Boats 11m to 14m subject to suitable site availability and insurance approval.
There are 8 public jetties around the lake which are inspected weekly.
All commercial hire craft carrying 12 or fewer passengers must be licenced due to The Public Health Act 1907. The wardens are the licensing authority for any craft in South Lakeland.
We own the bed of Windermere, which is subject to a public right of navigation, speed limits and boat registration. A public highway crosses the lake via a ferry.
Windermere is an important site for nature conservation but it is also a source of drinking water as well as receiving treated waste effluents.
The wardens operate a public slipway for trailered craft up to 8 tonnes.
Their office at Ferry Nab is open every day except Christmas Day, opening hours vary according to the time of the year.
They can help with:
- a public launch facility
- car and trailer parking
- public jetties
- mast hoist
- picnic area
- hot and cold snacks
- boat and trailer storage
- dinghy storage
- showers
- waste disposal point and a recycling point
Opening hours vary throughout the year, please contact the lake wardens for details.
Lake byelaws
Lake byelaws are enforced on the lake by the Rangers of the Lake District National Park Authority. The Lake Wardens and Rangers work closely together and share an office at Ferry Nab, where information about the lake byelaws is available.
Lake District National Park Lake byelaw enforcement
Telephone: 015394 427 53
Address: Ferry Nab, Bowness on Windermere, Cumbria LA23 3JH