Design Code for Westmorland and Furness

Setting design standards for new development.


We are in the process of preparing a Design Code for the Westmorland and Furness planning authority area (outside the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks) which will set out the design standards expected from new development.

Once adopted, the Design Code will form a Supplementary Planning Document that provides more detailed coding and guidance for a range of design-related policies in the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland Local Plans. The preparation of the Design Code will also inform the drafting of improved design policies in the forthcoming Local Plan for Westmorland and Furness, which will replace the current Local Plans.

The Design Code will help developers and builders to understand the Council’s requirements and expectations on design and help achieve better and quicker planning decisions. For larger projects that may be developed over many years and several planning applications, design codes can also help to achieve more consistency over time.

The Design Code will give more details on building materials, street design, and for places with historic buildings and character. It will however provide for flexibility and innovation in design, but in a way which respects the diversity of character of towns, villages and rural areas across Westmorland and Furness. 

Early Engagement

Early work has included a baseline review by the project consultants to understand heritage and landscape character, including site visits to view examples of local best practice.  

In summer 2024, we held a public consultation with stakeholders and communities as part of a wider ‘early conversation’ consultation on the Local Plan for Westmorland and Furness. A survey sought views on design to help inform preparation of the Design Code, exploring design preferences and local views on the quality of development in the district. The results of the of the early consultation are set out in the Design Code Early Engagement Report.

 Design Code Early Engagement Report - December 2024 (PDF 727KB)

More details of the early consultation exercise and future consultations are (and will be) available on our Design Code consultation page.

Next Steps

The next stage of consultation with communities and stakeholders on a draft Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is expected to take place in summer 2025.

How to get involved

If you would like to be notified of future consultations on the Local Plan and Design Code, you can sign up to our Local Plan Consultation Database.