Eden Local Plan

Local Plan documents adopted by the former Eden District Council.

The Eden Local Plan forms part of the existing Westmorland and Furness consolidated Local Plan framework.

Find out more about legacy Local Plans

The Eden Local Plan comprises the following documents:

The documents listed above are available for inspection at the following locations:

You can purchase hard copies of the Eden Local Plan and Policy Map by contacting the Planning Policy team.


Eden submitted its Local Plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination on the 23 December 2015. The Secretary of State appointed Planning Inspector, Melvyn Middleton BA(Econ) DipTP Dip Mgmt MRTPI, to undertake the examination.

Pursuant to section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, modifications were made to the Eden Local Plan.

The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State confirmed the main modifications which are set out in the published Inspector’s Report.

More modifications are included below as necessary technical changes resulting from representations received during the public consultations and at the hearing sessions held in 2016 and 2017.

Eden Local Plan Evidence Base

Evidence documents produced following the adoption of the Eden Local Plan up to Local Government Reorganisation on 1 April 2023.

Eden Evidence Base up to April 2023 (PDF 110KB / 2 pages)