Making school transport sustainable

How the council's strategies and policies encourage sustainable travel.

Sustainable travel benefits children and everyone around them by helping people keep healthy, improve mental wellbeing, ease congestion, and reduce toxins in the air.

Where possible, we encourage the use of sustainable travel on journeys to and from places of education.

  • we assess the school travel needs of children of compulsory school age and person of sixth form age
  • assess the facilities and services for sustainable modes of travel to and from Westmorland and Furness Council area
  • promoting sustainable travel and transport modes on the journey to, from and between schools and other institutions
  • have a strategy to promote the use of sustainable travel to places of education

We have many existing strategies and policies which set out what we are committed to achieve for the children and young people of Westmorland and Furness Council. These have been based on an analysis of needs and on the things that our communities, stakeholders and partners have told us matter most to them.

Due to the recent formation of Westmorland and Furness Council because of LGR, our key travel and transport strategies are being reviewed.

Our draft sustainable home to school travel strategy – Westmorland and Furness Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy  - sets out the current strategies and policies into one summary document. This strategy will develop in partnership with key stakeholders across the Council and refreshed in due course.