School organisation

Find out about potential changes to schools in your area.

The school organisation team is responsible for ensuring that the local authority meets its statutory duty to ensure the sufficiency of good quality school places for children and young people aged 5 to 16 across Westmorland and Furness.

To help us monitor this, we use a number of data sources to improve our understanding of the provision required, and how it will develop over time.

For more information, you can view the guidance for decision-makers on GOV.UK

Statutory proposals

Whenever a local authority or the governing body of a maintained school wishes to make a school organisation change to a particular school, they are required to follow a statutory process. 

Changes can include: 

  • proposals to cease to maintain (close existing schools)
  • opening new schools 
  • making changes to existing ones, such as changing the age range, expanding, or adding special needs facilities

We keep records of all statutory proposals affecting maintained schools in Westmorland since 25 May 2007. To view these records, contact us using the details at the bottom of the page.

Current proposals

•   Proposal to extend the age range at Victoria Infant and Nursery School

Past proposals

  • A review of education in the Alston area
  • Armathwaite - change of age range
  • A Review of Primary Education for Children Living in the Armathwaite and High Hesket Area
  • Armathwaite School Legal Notice
  • Alfred Barrow, Parkview and Thorncliffe Schools Legal Notices
  • Arnside National CE School Legal Notice
  • Consultation for the expansion of places at Beaconside, Penrith
  • Bram Longstaffe - consultation on potential closure of nursery provision
  • Planning 11-16 Education for Barrow Consultation Document
  • Public Consultation - Planning Primary Education for the East Penrith Area
  • Change of Age Range
  • A Review of Primary Education for Children Living in the Culgaith and Langwathby Area
  • Culgaith CE School Legal Notice
  • Dale Street Infant and Nursery School and Sir John Barrow Legal Notices
  • Dean Barwick Primary School Legal Notice
  • Furness Academy Site Location
  • Grasmere CE School Legal Notice
  • Lazonby CE Primary School Change of Age Range
  • Newton Community School - Consultation on Proposed Nursery Provision
  • Consultation on the potential closure of North Walney Primary School
  • Consultation on the Proposed Closure of Ravenstonedale Endowed School
  • Consultation on proposals for changes to how children and young people with additional needs are supported in education
  • Consultation on the proposal to provide additional places for learners with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) at Sandgate School
  • Consultation on Proposed Changes to St Catherine`s Catholic School, Penrith
  • Legal Notice Affecting St Catherine`s Catholic Primary School
  • St James CE Junior School Increase of PAN
  • St Mary`s CE Nursery & Infant School and Windermere CE Junior School Amalgamation
  • Ulverston CE Infant School Extension of Age Range
  • Public Consultation - Planning Primary Education for the Ulverston Area
  • Walney School Legal Notice

Contact the school organisation team