Canvass of electors Each year we check that we have the right people registered to vote at every house in Barrow, Eden and South Lakes areas. The electoral register How to be added to or view the register, and information on open and past registers. Voter ID requirement You need proof of your identity to vote at polling station in an any elections. Postal voting A postal vote is made on a ballot paper which is posted to you, and you post back to us. Proxy voting Proxy voting is when someone you trust votes for you at a polling station because you are unable to cast your vote in person. Notice of Verification Number Under the Local Authority (Referendums) (Petitions) Regulations 2011 the council will publish the number that is equal to 5 per cent of the local government electors in the Electoral Register within 14 days of 15 February each year.
Canvass of electors Each year we check that we have the right people registered to vote at every house in Barrow, Eden and South Lakes areas.
The electoral register How to be added to or view the register, and information on open and past registers.
Postal voting A postal vote is made on a ballot paper which is posted to you, and you post back to us.
Proxy voting Proxy voting is when someone you trust votes for you at a polling station because you are unable to cast your vote in person.
Notice of Verification Number Under the Local Authority (Referendums) (Petitions) Regulations 2011 the council will publish the number that is equal to 5 per cent of the local government electors in the Electoral Register within 14 days of 15 February each year.