Warm Spots

A Warm Spot offers a warm, welcoming space for people to visit this winter if they need it. They are run by a range of different organisations including churches, village halls, local councils and libraries.

Warm Spots logo

All Warm Spots have their own opening days and times and the services available vary. You can find details of Warm Spots near you by:

  • searching the map
  • typing in what you're looking for into the search box
  • selecting the day of the week you want 
  • using the links listed below the map

Register your own Warm Spot 

There is also funding now available to new and existing Warm Spots, find out more www.cumbriafoundation.org/fund/warm-spots-fund/



Connect Café

Providing a simple lunch and activities. Free but welcome donations.

Gateway Church - Neighbourhood Chaplains

Warm drinks, hot water bottles to give people free, blankets, and hats for cold weather. People can chat to our neighbourhood chaplains or get involved in the many activities we have on offer.

Manna House (Cumbria)

Community Centre with advisors for benefits and housing issues; computers and phone; showers, clothing, outdoor equipment; referrals to other agencies, including food bank.
Free lunch at 12noon; free coffees and teas throughout the day; often free toast, biscuits, etc

Outside- In Cumbria

We offer a play and warm hot meal for a family at cost prices, £5 per child and adult. We also have some free places available.

South Lakes Foyer

Offering tea, coffee, soup, hot chocolate and biscuits. Plus free wi-fi.

St. George's Church

Community-based Cafe environment Hot drinks, together with soup, sandwiches, cake and fruit.