Warm Spots

A Warm Spot offers a warm, welcoming space for people to visit this winter if they need it. They are run by a range of different organisations including churches, village halls, local councils and libraries.

Warm Spots logo

All Warm Spots have their own opening days and times and the services available vary. You can find details of Warm Spots near you by:

  • searching the map
  • typing in what you're looking for into the search box
  • selecting the day of the week you want 
  • using the links listed below the map

Register your own Warm Spot 

There is also funding now available to new and existing Warm Spots, find out more www.cumbriafoundation.org/fund/warm-spots-fund/



Restore Penrith

Open as a drop in 10-4pm Monday to Saturday with refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits available and Thursday lunch times, when there is also soup and a roll available free of charge.

St Mark’s Church

Café and clothes bank. Monday - knit and natter and FoodShare; Tuesday - Pool, table tennis, crafts; Wednesday- pool, table tennis and table top games; Thursday – games.

The Mardale Inn - Bampton Valley Community Pub

We offer free wifi and hot drinks are available at sensible community prices. On Friday’s we do Senior Lunches available at 20% discount, enabling things like a Small Fish & Chips or Beef & Ale Stew for £8.

The Old Courthouse, Shap

The Library at The Old Courthouse provides a warm place for reading, working, public access PCs, FREE WIFI, hot drinks available.