Christmas and New Year
Find out how your bin collection days and our opening hours are different over Christmas and New Year.
Register to speak at a meeting of our Planning Committee. What you might expect at and how to prepare for attending a meeting.
Many Local Planning Authorities permit members of the public to address the Committee about a particular proposal prior to the consideration of the application. Procedures vary across the country but all are designed to provide as fair an opportunity as possible for a balance of views to be provided between those supporting and those opposing an application.
Members of the public are permitted to address the Planning Committee and the following protocols relate to the procedures adopted.
Images provided by an objector/supporter will not normally be allowed to be presented.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, a speaker is unable to attend or address the Committee then they may appoint someone to speak on their behalf, subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Planning Committee and the relevant authority being provided to the representative
Please note: an agenda item will not be deferred if someone who has registered to speak fails to arrive in time for the item to be considered.
Where a speaker is not present in the room when it is their time to speak they may lose their right to speak on the application.