If you owe us money for leases, rent, trade waste collection or over payment of benefit, this is called a sundry debt.
Sundry debt invoices are raised if:
- we have provided you with a service for which there is a fee
- you have received an over payment of benefit such as adult social care or foster parent allowance
- you may receive an invoice in respect of a service you have asked for. Examples of such invoices include:
- leases and ground rents – property services
- licenses
- building control
- trade waste collection
- land searches
- permits
- water sampling
- music service
- room hire
We have to make a charge for these services and this is done by issuing a sundry debtor invoice.
Your invoice will state the service you are being charged for. If however, you are unclear about the service please feel free to contact the originator detailed on your sundry debt invoice, as on the sundry debt invoice example.
Your invoice will state the amounts payable for each service and will show the total amount payable. Invoices are payable in full in line with our sundry debt Invoice terms and conditions.
For details on how to make payment please refer to the bottom left of the sundry debt invoice.
You can pay a sundry debt invoice online.
For any other invoice reference type, please refer to the invoice for payment options.
How to contact us if you have a general query about an invoice or sending us a remittance
Sundry debt sales invoice, terms and conditions
Payment period
Unless otherwise agreed, payment is due within 28 days of the date of the invoice.
Error and omissions
Errors and omissions in the figures of an invoice cannot be admitted unless the same is returned within 21 days of the date of the invoice.
Property risk and errors in goods delivered
Goods shall be at the risk of the customer as soon as they are delivered by Westmorland and Furness Council to the customers’ vehicles or premises on his/her instructions.
Such goods remain the sole and absolute property of Westmorland and Furness Council until such time as the agreed price is paid.
If the customer does not receive the goods within 14 days of the date of the invoice, he/ she must notify Westmorland and Furness Council immediately thereafter.
Any claims for damaged goods or for discrepancies or shortages in the goods delivered as against those invoiced must be submitted to Westmorland and Furness Council within two days of delivery.
Variation of condition
These terms and conditions form the basis of a contract between Westmorland and Furness Council and the customer.
No person within Westmorland and Furness Council has authority to supply goods or services on any other conditions than those herein contained or to vary these conditions except where such variation is put in writing.
If payment is not made on the due date Westmorland and Furness Council reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of four percent per annum above the Bank of England’s base lending rate.
A charge of £5 will be made for represented cheques and of £5 for each additional copy invoice delivered to the customer.
Pay your invoice online
You can pay you invoice online, If the sundry debt invoice format matches the example invoice:
For any other invoices, please refer to the invoice for payment options.
Example sales invoice
The example sales invoice shows areas of the form mentioned in the our form completion advice.