Welcome to our new survey for children and young people living in Westmorland and Furness. The survey is for people that have special educational needs or disabilities, or both.
Local young people and our SEND Partnership team have worked together to design and produce this survey. We want to know what is important to you. The survey will help us to listen to your voices and understand what your priorities are. This will help us to develop and put the right support in place for people in the future.
How to complete the survey
Survey responses will be anonymous and you can skip questions if you wish.
There are two versions of the survey.
One version has words only. The other version has widget symbols too, to help people understand the words. This might be helpful for some people.
Complete the word version of the survey
Complete the word and widget symbol version of the survey
How to provide feedback in the future
We'll keep this survey open for people to carry on sending their feedback.
If you have a new experience or ideas you would like to share with us, you're welcome to complete the survey again.
What we'll do with your survey response
We'll regularly review survey responses.
We'll use your feedback and identify key actions every three months. We will publish the key actions in our SEND Partnership newsletter and SEND Local Offer.
How to get involved
If you're interested in sharing your voice and helping us to develop our services, we would like to hear from you.
Please contact the SEND Partnership by sending an email to sendpartnership.waf@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk