Proposal to extend the age range at Victoria Infant and Nursery School

We want to hear your views on the proposal to extend the age range of the provision offered at the school.

The Governing Body of Victoria Infant and Nursery School, Barrow has approached us with a proposal to extend the age range of the provision offered at the school from the current three to seven year old children to two to seven year old children. This would enable the school to offer nursery provision for two year olds.

The school is planning on providing thirty 15 hour places in the two year-old room. This means that there will be 15 morning sessions and 15 afternoon sessions created. There will also be benefits in terms of the offering for three year old children at the setting. Children will be able to start at the setting sooner in the academic year and the actual capacity of the three year old provision will be increased further with the creation of ten full time equivalent places - ten 15 hour places in the morning and ten 15 hour places for the afternoon.

As the school’s admissions authority, we are statutorily required to consult with all relevant stakeholders on the proposal and subject to the outcome of that consultation, take a final decision on whether to approve the proposal.

Victoria Infant School consultation document (PDF , 69KB) provides further information including how to respond to the consultation.
Equality Impact Assessment (PDF , 232KB)

Victoria Infant School online consultation