We appreciate being told when we’re doing things well. If you think that we’re providing a good service, please let us know. Your positive feedback helps us to provide a better service to everyone. It also helps us to keep improving what we do well.
Compliments also mean a lot to our members of staff and our teams.
You can give us a compliment in any way, such as:
- a comment during a telephone call or when speaking to us in person
- a letter delivered to any of our offices
- a submission online
How we deal with compliments
We record all compliments we receive and share them with teams. Our teams discuss compliments in their meetings and use them to improve their service.
We include compliments in our performance reports, which our senior leadership team review every three months and yearly. The reports help us to continue putting customers at the heart of everything we do, by listening to your positive feedback and developing our services.
Our Compliments and Complaints Policy (PDF , 199KB)
How to give a compliment
You can also give us a compliment by:
Email: complaints@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
Please state that your email is to provide a compliment
Telephone: 0300 373 3300
Post: Compliments Team
Westmorland and Furness Council
South Lakeland House
Lowther Street