Searches of the common registers

Find out whether land has been registered as a village green or common land.

Commons registration searches show whether land or property is registered as common land or town or village green.

All searches have to be submitted on a CON29O form (available on The Law Society website).

Completed forms should be sent via email to, or by post to the address at the bottom of this page, along with a clear plan of the land to be searched. The fee for a search is currently £31+VAT.

For queries and further information please contact

Find out information regarding common rights

Searches of the rights section of the register can be carried out in relation to common rights, in an attempt to trace any rights that may belong to a particular area of land or individual. Please submit any requests to providing as much detail as possible. The fee for such a search is currently £37.20.

Purchasing copies of the register

Certified copies of the registers can be provided on request, for which there is a fee of £15 per register unit and £8 per OS sheet of the register map. 

Alternatively, all registers and associated plans can be viewed free of charge at our offices (address below), strictly by appointment only.

Please contact in either case.

How to pay

We accept payments by cheque made out to Westmorland and Furness Council. If you prefer to pay by debit or credit card, or BACS, you can request to be invoiced instead.

Please provide your full name, address, phone number and email address (if you wish to receive your invoice by email).

Contact us by post

Commons Registration Service

Lady Gillford's House

Petteril Bank Road
