Air quality monitoring

How we measure air quality in our area to protect public health and the environment.

Pollution monitoring

The council is required to carry out a review and assessment of air quality in our district each year. This involves measuring air pollution and trying to predict how it will change in the next few years. 

The government has laid down a set of national air quality objective levels to protect people's health and the environment. The aim of the review is to make sure that we achieve these objectives by the relevant deadlines that have been set.

Nitrogen dioxide

We monitor nitrogen dioxide levels around the district every month and current pollution levels can be viewed at Defra UK Air

If this initial screening assessment suggests that there is a risk of a breach of any of these levels, we are required to carry out a more in-depth study called a 'detailed assessment' to obtain data that is more accurate. This may involve detailed monitoring and pollution modelling.

The Health matters: air pollution report from the Chief Executive of Public Health England is a good introduction to air quality and health.

See Air Quality UK website for information and technical resource for air quality statistics, current air quality and the pollution forecast.

In 2022, DEFRA published their Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) Technical Guidance (TG22) (PDF, 3.4mb).

Air Quality Management Areas

If we find any places where you do not meet the objective levels, we must declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) there. This area could be just one or two streets, or it could be much bigger. 

We have to be very careful to control any additional pollution in an AQMA, usually through the planning system, or by imposing tighter emission limits on some types of industrial activities. 

We would also work with other organisations to develop a plan, called a Local Air Quality Action Plan, to reduce the pollution within the AQMA.

An AQMA is somewhere where action needs to be taken to reduce pollution levels. An action plan must be produced to tackle the problem.

The only AQMA in district of Westmorland and Furness is the Kendal Air Quality Management Area.

We are working to reduce nitrogen dioxide levels in Kendal and this is already having a positive impact.

The measures mainly involve reducing and easing the flow of traffic in the town centre and include:

  • SCOOT traffic signal control
  • junction and road network improvements
  • increased planting and planning obligations

Everyone can take action to help improve the air we breathe locally. Here are some tips on how to do your bit for air quality.

Air Quality Status Reports

Our latest reports to Defra are listed below.

South Lakeland AQSR 2024 (PDF, 1.9mb)
Eden AQSR 2023 (PDF, 1.1mb)
Barrow AQSR 2023 (PDF, 1.8mb)

You can contact us if you would like copies of historic reports. 

Our reports are submitted to Defra on or before 30 June each year and will be made available to the public upon validation by Defra. 

Air Quality Action Plan

The actions we took to improve air quality in the former South Lakeland District Council between 2016 and 2020 are outlined in our Air Quality Action Plan (PDF, 625kb). The plan is updated annually to show progress and further details can be found in the 2024 South Lakeland Annual Air Quality Status Report (PDF, 1.9mb).

Air quality and planning permission

We have a leaflet for developers which outlines the information we will need so we can assess the air quality impact of a new development. Contact us if you would like a copy.

Developers have to let us know before installing a non-domestic furnace or fixed boiler.

Specific information will be required for new (non-domestic) chimney stacks. You should apply to us for chimney height approval, a full D1 chimney height calculation may be required. 

For guidance on discharge stack heights, 'Guidelines on Discharge Stack Heights for Polluting Emission. Technical Guidance Note D1 (Dispersion)' (now out of print) is a useful resource.  

We keep a register of biomass plants depending on their size and location. At the planning stage you will need to complete a biomass boiler information request form (PDF, 200KB)

To control emissions to air, you may also need an Environmental Permit

We strongly recommend you contact us to discuss these matters early in the planning process. This will ensure that you send us the right information and avoid delays.

Contact us

How to get in touch with your local public protection team.

Barrow area

Eden area

South Lakeland area