Information about our refugee support

We have been welcoming refugees since 2017, responding with a collective Westmorland and Furness wide multi-agency approach, providing protection to those in the greatest need. This includes our refugee, asylum seeker and evacuee support grants.

In 2024 Westmorland and Furness Council agreed to support 48 refugees annually through Safe and legal routes - GOV.UK

Our support for refugees

We support refugees by completing an Early Help assessment, this allows us to meet the families’ emerging needs. Successful integration supports families to reach their full potential, it allows them to access universal services, providing links into employment.

Support for asylum seekers and refugees

Our asylum offer

Refugee, asylum seeker and evacuees support grants 

Grant funding 2025

We have recently accepted grant applications for 2025. The deadline to apply passed on 10 March 2025. We will publish a list of the organisations we're supporting this year in due course. 

Grant funding 2024

We supported a number of volunteer organisations during 2024 through the Refugee, Asylum Seeker and Evacuees Support Grants, which allocated £200,000 to provide grant support to voluntary sector organisations. The local organisations included:

Organisations we have supported 

  • Blue Jam Arts
  • Penrith and Eden Refugee Network
  • Rosgill Creative CIC
  • Grange Food Group
  • Manna House
  • Art Gene
  • Wellbeing Westmorland
  • Ambleside Parish Centre
  • Forestry Commission
  • Growing Well
  • Kendal torch light carnival
  • Outside In
  • Lakes and Mountains
  • Boom Dang
  • Cumbria Health
  • Furness Refugee Support Group

Schemes that operate in the Westmorland and Furness area

We receive and support refugees from a number of different programmes and schemes:

UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS)

Further details about the the UKRS.

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC)

Through this scheme children and young people who are separated from their parents can receive care from us until they reach 18 years of age.

Unaccompanied Minors (UAM)

This scheme allows children who have already applied for a Homes for Ukraine Scheme visa to travel to the UK without a parent or legal guardian, subject to strict sponsor checks.

As part of robust safeguarding regime applicants must also have notarised parental consent, the sponsor should be personally known to the parents, except in exceptional circumstances. These children will enter the ‘private fostering’ route to allow a robust assessment to be completed by a social worker.

Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP)

Through this scheme we support the resettlement of local employed staff who have worked alongside British Forces or the government. Support is available for up to 3 years. Refugees from these schemes have indefinite leave to remain.

Afghan Civilian Resettlement Schemes (ACRS)

Information about the ACRS

Community Sponsorship Scheme (CSS)

This scheme helps community groups, including charities, faith groups, churches and businesses to take on the role of supporting resettled refugees in the UK.

Homes for Ukraine (HFU)

The Homes for Ukraine Scheme was launched by the government on 14 March 2022 following the invasion of Ukraine. This scheme allows people living in the UK to sponsor a Ukrainian National to offer them support and to provide suitable accommodation. There is no upper limit to how many people can come to the UK. 

We carry out:

  • housing inspections
  • suitability checks
  • DBS checks
  • social care checks

Support is varied and based on need. Schools will open Early Help for all Ukrainian children and their families. We will also support re-matching and will provide assistance and advice as required.

Homes for Ukraine:  Move to Independence Policy

Privacy notices for HFU guests and hosts can be found on our privacy notices page.

Asylum Dispersal 

Asylum Dispersal across the Westmorland and Furness footprint is managed by Serco and Migrant Help on behalf of the Home Office. Serco hold the Asylum, Accommodation and Support Services (AASC) contract and Migrant Help lead on the (AIRE) contract Advice, Issue Reporting and Eligibility.

For more information please visit:

Whilst Westmorland and Furness Council has a limited role in asylum dispersal, we work closely with partners and third sector organisations and have provided a grants programme during 2024 to support work with asylum seekers.

The North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership have published information about the number of people dispersed through the asylum scheme in the North West 

Contact us

Resettlement Team:

Asylum queries:

Homes for Ukraine: