Become a library member

How to join the library for full membership and online only membership

If you live, work or study in Westmorland and Furness you can apply for a free library membership.

What a membership includes

A library membership allows you to:

  • access all libraries across Westmorland and Furness
  • search and reserve items for collection
  • use computer, printing and scanning facilities
  • access our online catalogue of eBooks, audiobooks, newspapers and magazines

How to join and gain full library membership

If you’re over 18, you will need to bring a proof of address and a form of identification, such as your passport and a utility bill, to your local library. A member of staff will then give you a membership application form.

After you have completed your application form it will be reviewed and approved. You will then get an email with your membership number so you can access our digital services.

Find your local library

Setting up your online only membership

If you only want to access the online catalogue, then you can set up an online only membership. This is free of charge.

Set up an online only membership