Christmas and New Year
Find out how your bin collection days and our opening hours are different over Christmas and New Year.
We have put together a range of themes to support teaching and the jigsaw schemes of work.
Each themed box contains a mix of fiction and non-fiction — all brilliant for reading aloud, sharing and stimulating discussion.
The jigsaw scheme of work is a mindful and child-centered approach.
To order a box you can either:
Library Services for Schools team
List of themed boxes we offer.
This covers:
This covers:
This covers:
Developed by Cumbria Library Services for Schools staff, in partnership with the Cumbria Public Health 5 to 19 Team.
This box covers:
Collection of titles to support National Empathy Day but an essential reading collection for all year round.
This box covers:
Help pupils challenge assumptions about migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and to develop mutual respect, empathy and understanding.