Love our Children Art Exhibition 30 August 2024: What’s your Superpower?
‘Love our Children’ week is a celebration of the individuality, creativity and talents of Cared for Children, either in Westmorland and Furness Care Homes, or with foster or adoptive families.
Westmorland and Furness Council is hosting an Art Exhibition at the Assembly Rooms, Kendal Town Hall, to display artworks, drawings, poetry created by cared for children and young people.
Milorad Vasic, Director of Children’s Services said: ‘This week is a special opportunity to acknowledge the talents and creativity of our cared for children, and to give them and their caring families some summer fun. It’s also the week we are launching our Cared for Children’s strategy – a key piece of work to guide our path forward for the next few years.’
Assembly Rooms, Kendal Town Hall (open to the public on Friday 30 August, 11am-2pm)
Inspired by the work of local artist Sophie Martin, www.sophiemartinillustration.co.uk (who created a selection of cartoon images for use in Westmorland and Furness Children’s Strategy), the cared-for children have been busy creating over the summer holidays.
The theme is ‘What’s your Superpower?’ which can be anything from helping a neighbour, being creative, something sporty, or simply being that person who smiles and is kind to everyone. And we all know that not all superheroes wear capes!
Sophie said: I’m delighted that the Westmorland and Furness cared for children have been inspired by my drawings – I look forward to seeing how they represent their own superpowers!’
Councillor Janet Battye, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said: 'I'm really looking forward to seeing the Art Exhibition - children and young people are so good at expressing themselves, and their work is always so creative and colourful it really cheers us all up!'
Visitors should come into Kendal Town Hall reception desk to sign in and access the Assembly Rooms.