Westmorland and Furness celebrate National Care Leavers Experience Week by planting 3 ‘Positivitrees’ in Kendal, Barrow and Penrith.
The theme “All of Us, We are One” was selected through a democratic process involving close to 200 votes from care-experienced individuals across the country. This theme emphasizes the importance of community and connection among care leavers.
Quote from a Care Experienced young person:
“I picked ‘All of Us, We are One’ as when I am with other care leavers, I really do feel the most understood. I really do feel like we are one.”
Westmorland and Furness are marking 20 years of NLCBF (National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum) by inviting care leavers to join in with planting 3 ‘Positivitrees’, symbolising a commitment to seeing Care Leavers thrive and grow, and growing the local offer to support care experienced young people.
The 3 ‘Positivitrees’ will be planted during the week in Penrith, Kendal and Barrow. Kendal Town Hall Clock will be lit up in blue on Thursday 31 October, in solidarity with the rest of the UK.
The national week is dedicated to celebrating and supporting care-experienced individuals, with events are designed to empower, inform, and connect care leavers with resources and opportunities.
Care leavers in Westmorland and Furness are also involved in developing a ‘hub’ which will provide a space for young people transitioning out of the care system, helping them connect with peers who understand their experiences. The Hub will offer access to vital information about housing, education, employment, and healthcare, helping care leavers navigate these areas more effectively. The Hub will hopefully play a crucial role in empowering young people to successfully transition to independent living. There will also be a development event for January with the apprenticeship team offering training and workshops on essential life skills, such as financial literacy, job readiness, and personal development.
‘In their own words’ Westmorland and Furness are also celebrating National Care Leavers Week (#NCLW) by launching this report on 28th October, to amplify the voices of care experienced individuals, raise awareness of the challenges they face and encourage change in policy and practice with local and national asks.
Become, the national charity for children in care and young care leavers, is launching a new rolling webinar series offering advice and guidance for care-experienced young people on applying to higher education.
Mil Vasic, Director of Children’s Services said: ‘We invite all stakeholders to engage in NCLW activities, share stories, and participate in events that reflect the theme “All of Us, We are One.” Together, we can create an environment where care-experienced individuals feel valued, supported, and empowered to share their experiences and advocate for positive change.’
Janet Battye, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services said: ‘The planting of 3 ‘Positivitrees’ in Penrith, Kendal and Barrow we hope is a positive symbol of our commitment to see care leavers grow and thrive here in Westmorland and Furness. Join us in this important week to raise the voices of care leavers and work towards a brighter future for all!’