The Westmorland Family has opened two new Changing Places toilets at Tebay Services Northbound and Rheged, with government funding and support from Westmorland and Furness Council and the former Eden District Council.
A test purchase operation in Barrow and Ulverston resulted in two out of five retailers selling e-cigarettes commonly known as “vapes” to the underage test purchaser.
Residents in Westmorland and Furness looking for somewhere to warm up and have a hot drink and a chat will be able to choose from nearly 100 local “warm spots” this winter
An Amber Cold Health Alert has been issued by the UK Health Security Agency indicating that a prolonged spell of very cold weather will likely impact have an impact on health
Cumbria’s Safeguarding Adults Board have been raising awareness of safeguarding this week as part of a week of national action co-ordinated by The Ann Craft Trust.
Barrow businesses have been targeted by Trading Standards Officers recently in a bid to reduce the sale of E-cigarette or "vape" products to under 18s.
Voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations are being invited to apply for a share of a new £350k grant fund created by Westmorland and Furness Council to provide money advice services to local communities.
A community has joined together to celebrate the official reopening of a 'pocket park' designed to help ensure people of all ages have access to attractive green space and opportunities for natural play.