



A child hugs her kinship carer

Kinship Care Week 2023

We are supporting Kinship Care Week 2023, which launches today (2 October), with a campaign to celebrate more than 400 kinship carers across Cumbria who are raising children who are not their own.
2 October 2023
Picture of contractors working on the Kirkstone Pass road safety improvement scheme earlier this year.

Road closure for Kirkstone Pass safety project

Drivers are being advised of the next scheduled full closure of Kirkstone Pass starting next week to carry out work as part of a multi-million pounds road safety project on the iconic Lakeland route

28 September 2023
Cars on road in bad weather

Council prepares for Storm Agnes

On Wednesday afternoon and through the evening the current forecast is for strong rain and wind gusts predicted to reach up to 70mph.
27 September 2023

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