Lorries and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)

Submit notice to move an abnormal load over 40 tonnes, HGV routes, HGV weight limits and HGV timber transport routes.

Submit notice to move an abnormal load over 40 tonnes

If you plan to move an abnormal load weighing 40 tonnes or more, you need to let us know the route in advance. We will check the proposed route against our records to make sure that the load can be accommodated.

It is your responsibility to survey the proposed route and make sure it is suitable before submitting a notice. If the route is not suitable, you will need to propose an alternative route.

You can plot your route at Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads (ESDAL) on GOV.UK

Email your notice 

Email: abnormalloads@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk

Your notice needs to show:

  • the movement date
  • the origin address
  • the destination address
  • details of the load
  • the route and roads being used
  • the vehicle configuration (height, width, gross weight, axle spacings, axle loadings)

When to submit your notice

Vehicles over 80 tonnes gross weight - a minimum of 5 working days notice.

Vehicles over 40 tonnes but less than 80 tonnes gross weight - a minimum of 2 working days notice.

Contact us

Email: abnormalloads@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk